Jordan Sasser’s Portfolio
Explore a realm of technology at the forefront of innovation and research.
Exploring the depths of cutting-edge research: Present research being conducted by Jordan
Immersed in the realms of robotics, AI, and embodied design, with a keen focus on the intricate intertwining of social presence and uncanny valley phenomena. The journey of discovery continues by looking at robot interactions with older adults.
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
Doctorate of Philosophy in
Human Factors and
Cognitive Psychology
Expected Dec. 2024
Masters of Science in Modeling and Simulation
Expected May 2024
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Honors in the Major
May 2019
Sasser, J. A., McConnell, D.S., & Smither, J.A. (in press). Investigation of relationships between embodiment perceptions and perceived social presence in human-robot interactions. International Journal of Social Robotics.
Pavlov, K., Montalvo, F., Sasser, J. A., Jones, L., DiBello, A., McConnell, D. S., & Smither, J. A. (2023). Human Factors and User Experience in At-Home Dialysis Treatment Technology and Patient Procedures. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, 12(1), 223-228.
Jones, R., Montalvo, F., Sasser, J., Smither, J. A., & McConnell, D. S. (2023). Applying user Experience Principles to Food Distribution in Nursing Homes. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, 12(1), 151-155.
Sasser, J. A., McConnell, D. S., & Smither, J. A. (2022, November). Investigation of Aspects of Embodiment on User Perceptions in Human-Robot Interactions. In 2022 IEEE 3rd International Confer-ence on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.
Sasser, J.A., McConnell, D.S., & Smither, J.A. (2022). Exploring the Effect of Virtual Agent Type on Perceived Hedonic and Utilitarian Beliefs of an End User. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 66th Annual Meeting, 66(1).
Montalvo, F., Alves, G.M., Payne, C.A., Sasser, J.A., McConnell, D.S., & Smither, J.A. (2022). Trait Loneliness and Social Presence in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 66th Annual Meeting, 66(1).
Jones, L., Devkota, B., Montalvo, F., Sasser, J.A., McConnell, D.S., & Smither J.A. (2022). A Heuristic Evaluation of the CDC’s Information Dissemination Practices. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 66th Annual Meeting, 66(1).
Pavlov, K., Montalvo, F., Sasser, J., Jones, L., McConnell, D.S., & Smither, J.A. (2022). Applying User Experience Principles to Patient Experiences. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 66th Annual Meeting, 66(1).
Sasser, J., Montalvo, F., Bendell, R., Hancock, P.A., & McConnell, D.S. (2020, December) Exploring the Effect of Virtual Robot Acceleration on Perceived Competitiveness/ Cooperativeness, Animacy, and Intelligence. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 64th Annual Meeting.
Williams, J., Bendell, R., Parker, J., Talone, A., Sasser, J., Vasquez, G., & Jentsch, F. (2019, November). Exploring the Effect of Stimuli Characteristics on Signal Detection Performance: Sex Influenced Targeting Bias. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 63rd Annual Meeting.
Sasser, J.A., Montalvo, F., McConnell, D.S., & Smither, J.A. (2022). Examining Acceptance Factors Be-tween Online Agents: Traditional Chatbot versus Online Social Robot. Poster presented at the 2022 Student Scholar Symposium.
Montalvo, F., Alves, G.M., Sasser, J.A., Takahashi, B., Hinkle, S., Stephens, P.S., McConnell, D.S., & Smither, J.A. (2022, August). Loneliness and Individual Differences in Factors of Social Pres-ence. To be presented at the 2022 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN.
Stephens, P.J., Claridge-Rogers, T., Montalvo, F., Sasser, J.A., Stahl, A., McConnell, D.S., & Smither, J.A. (2022, August). Personality and Social Media Health Information-Seeking Behaviors in the Era of COVID-19. To be presented at the 2022 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN.
Montalvo, F., Sasser, J.A., Hinkle, S., Chebolu, R.D., McConnell, D.S., & Smither, J.A. (2021, August) Perception of message valence in emoji vs. text-based communication among lonely individuals. Presented at the 2021 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
Montalvo, F., Sasser, J.A., Alves, G.M., Devkota, B., Fathi, C., McConnell, D.S., & Smither, J.A. (2021, August) Companionship needs: Preferred qualities in robotic social interaction among lonely individuals.. Presented at the 2021 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Die-go, CA.
Sasser, J., Montalvo, F., Parkhurst, E.L., Vasquez, G., McConnell, D.S., & Smither, J.A. (2020, October) Social presence in embodied virtual agents among lonely older adults. Poster presented at 12th World Conference of Gerontechnology, Trondheim, Norway.
Montalvo, F., Sasser, J., Parkhurst, E.L., Hinkle, S., Alves, G.M., Vasquez, G., McConnell, D.S., Smither, J.A. (2020, October) Giving voice to human-robot intersubjectivity in loneliness contexts. Poster to be presented at 12th World Conference of Gerontechnology, Trondheim, Norway.
Montalvo, F., Krause, K., Sasser, J., Parkhurst, E.L., McConnell, D.S., Smither, J.A. (2020, March). Reading the Mind through the Lonely Eye: Social cognition and loneliness [Poster Session]. UCF Graduate Research Forum 2020, Orlando, FL. (Conference Cancelled)
Hinkle, S., Montalvo, F., Sasser, J.A., McConnell, D.S., Smither, J.A. (2020, February). Giving robots a voice in the evaluation of human-robot interaction. Poster presented at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference. Fort Meyers, FL.
Hinkle, S., Montalvo, F., Sasser, J.A., McConnell, D.S., Smither, J.A. (2020, January). Focusing on third order social presence in human-robot interaction. Poster presented at the Human Factors and Applied Psychology (HFAP) Conference. Orlando, FL.
Montalvo, F., Alves, G.M., Sasser, J.A., Payne, C.A., McConnell, D.S., Smither, J.A. (2019, August) The presence of social engagement affects perceived social presence. Poster presented at the 2019 American Psychological Association Annual Convention.
Montalvo, F., Alves, G.M., Payne, C.A., Sasser, J., Burn, A, McConnell, D.S., Smither, J.A. (2019, May) Loneliness and Social Presence: Human-Robot Interaction Mimics Human-Human Interaction. Poster presented at the 31st Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washing-ton DC.
Sasser, J.A., McConnell, D.S., & Hancock, P.A. (2019, April) Perceived Intentionality via Virtual Agent’s Kinematics. Poster to be presented at the 2019 Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence student conference, Orlando FL.
Sasser, J.A., McConnell, D.S., & Hancock, P.A. (2019, February) Perceived Behaviors via Kinematics in Robotics. Poster to be presented at the 2019 Florida Undergraduate Research Conference, Jacksonville FL.
Sasser, J.A., McConnell, D.S., & Hancock, P.A. (2019, January) Perceived Behaviors via Kinematics in Robotics. Poster to be presented at the 2019 Human Factors and Applied Psychology student conference, Orlando FL.
Curriculum Vitae
The CV outlines a focused and rigorous academic and research journey in Human Factors and Cognitive Psychology, with a specific emphasis on social robotics, aging, usability, and virtual reality. Jordan's work, both in research and teaching, showcases a dedication to advancing understanding in these areas. Jordan's involvement in various research projects, from design and development to mentorship and grant writing, highlights a commitment to contributing valuable insights to the field. Additionally, Jordan's achievements and skills underscore a strong foundation in both theoretical and practical aspects of psychology and technology integration.